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It's simple!

Find runs created by Others

Just browse the list or the map of runs around your area, you might want to make sure you're fit enough for the distance they're planning!

Create your own runs

You can create a run in a matter of seconds, just pick date and location, and the length you want to run, and your run will be public for others to join!

Get fit and meet people!

Now you're all set, just remember to be nice to those who want to run with you and try to keep a good pace!


About Me

I'm a developer based in Dublin, I like running myself but I get bored if I go by myself. So I decided to use my little knowledge about Android development to create this app that will allow you to organize runs and socialize at the same time.

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Contact Me


Feel free to drop me your ideas or comments, I'm sure you'll have plenty of them, since the app is still in its earliest stage.


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Survivant: by Tepid Monkey

Icons from Noun Project

Run Icon: by Kevin Laity

Map Icon: by Jonathan Higley

Map Marker Icon: by

Relay Icon: Andre McKinley

Shop Icon: Rémy Médard

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